Raquel van Haver

Born in 1989 in Bogota, Colombia, Raquel van Haver now lives and works in Amsterdam, Netherlands. Van Haver graduated from the HKU University of the Arts in Utrecht, in 2012. More recently she has spent long periods abroad, gathering source material in both West Africa and South America but continues to return to her own diverse community in the South-East of Amsterdam.

Solo exhibitions include ‘Spirits of the Soil’ at Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam, November 2018 – April 2019. Van Haver’s work has also been exhibited at the Dordrechts Museum, Netherlands; Lagos photo festival, Nigeria and BOZAR Centre for Fine Art, Brussels, Belgium.

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Raquel van Haver, Studio (Diptych), 2015

Raquel van Haver, Studio (Diptych), 2015

£ 30,000.00
£ 30,000.00
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